
Monday, March 25, 2013

Classic Michael

Hello Familia! It has been quite the while!

Roxy texted me the other day about starting this up again, im sure you all got the message as well. I am proud of myself for being the first to take action, I hope you all are equally as proud, as well as disappointed... in yourselves.

 I don't know if this post will be worth the """"Grand Start Up"""" if it ever actually gets back on track.... but I was surfing the youtube for cool new music, actually I was looking for music to transcribe for school..anyways what does it matter how I came across them. I just did.

I found a string quartet that made a tribute CD to Michael Jackson...
I don't know if any of you cared at all for the dude, but I do know that Mary and I used to dance around the pool table to his songs when we were little...most days of the week.

Here are some smash hits...haha

Anyways, I miss you guys. Some else post some nonsense soon.

Pants, Pantaloons, or Heathers new favorite....Panties...... I dont think i like it.