
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Checking in and Checking up

 4 days down folks . . . . 
How is everyone doing? Its been 4 days and the GDOC is basically empty. Have we given up or are we just not reporting? I made a chart for Christopher and I so I have to look at it everyday. It makes me really happy when I get to put X's in all of my boxes! I think it helps keep me stay motivated. It also helps me to remember everything. Maybe you should try it if you are feeling well not motivated. Abby has addressed a concern about working out. Is anyone else struggling with anything? I know it was pretty hard passing on such yummy desserts last night at the BBQ I went to. Christopher is doing everything but exercise. If its not a basketball game or touch football then he is not really interested. Maybe that will change when he has more time after school is done. That might just be wishful thinking on my part though. How is the no eating past 8 going? Should we move it to 9? Is everyone finding time to eat before 8 with work, kids, crazy life? So far I like the challenge and it is helping me think more about my body and the things I need to work on to take care of it. 

 These two tend to make working out more enjoyable. They like to cheer me on. Henry likes to follow me back and forth when I move. Reese joins in sometimes too that gets a little crazy though. Reese is always very concerned when I make grunting noises or big sighs of relief when an exercise that was difficult is over. "Mom are you ok? Are you going to be ok mom?" She is very in tune with what people are feeling. I kind of love that about her
(notice the M&Ms in Reese's bowl. I am proud to say I have not had one M&M this week. Thats big for me!)
So I am having trouble eating healthy and finding the time to prepare for meals. I was going to post a bunch of recipes I want to try but it is getting late and it will only make me hungry. I decided I should go to bed instead. I will post the recipes this weekend then maybe we can try them together next week!!   You should post some too if you have a favorite recipe that we should try! Ok start reporting on here peeps. I want to know how everyone is doing! Everyday is a new day. If you have been sucking it up these past few days then start fresh tomorrow.


  1. What's the calendar behind your calendar that says decide?

  2. That is my P90X calendar I also put X's on that one for my workouts. It says decide, commit, succeed.

  3. I didn't know that you updated the GDOC where we could check in with the three ruls and the challenge...I like it.

    I just made a colorful chart for the fridge.

    The doc thinks I just have tendonitis...

  4. I did that, thought it would be easier.

  5. Liza, I can't get over how cute Henry is. He is the sweetest.
