
Thursday, May 31, 2012


I love how when peeps seem to miss their days for posting Thursday is the day they make it up for the week. I'll keep it simple a sweet just in case someone else decides to make up for their missed day today too. Do we need to switch some days around?

We are earning stickers this week . . . and by "we" I mean Reese
Here is just a blurb from the potting training dialogues.
(Reese is sitting on the toitlet.)
Me: "Reese you are doing so great. I know you can do it."
Reese: "No, I can't do it"
Me: "yes you can I know you can!"
Reese: " No, I can't TRUST ME I can't do it"
She is getting some serious attitude these days. That particular "trust me" line came from Tangled. She added a lot more sass to hers though then Rapunzel did. despite the extra sass she is doing really good! 

This spaghetti squash has made it into Henry's lap so many times this week. Reese says they are friends. When it is not in Henry's lap she is in the kitchen with it bossing the squash around. Sounds something like this.
"stay right here little guy"
The squash rolls a bit.
" Hey I said stay there. Now don't move"
"Oh you don't want to stay there, then come sit over here."
She moves the Squash.
"Good job little guy".
I think I need to pay more attention to my tone and what I am actually saying to her. How come the things I say always sound so much worse coming out of your two year old? 

Recent Happenings, Thoughts, and Funnies

 Can you be destructive and creative at the same time?
 First Father Sons camp out.  Anytime I spoke with him on the phone he was full to the brim with excitement.
Isaac loved meeting baby Henry!

 A, P, & L
 4 Generations...
 Playing in the fountains on the Detroit River Walk.  Yes, they are fully clothed.
 She is a water baby.  We went to the pool yesterday and she had a blast.  I have a season pass...It is going to be an awesome summer!

During our trip to Detroit I took a picture of the new chapel with the old condemned bank building we use to meet in in the background.(It's in the middle) We met on the Fifth and Third floors.  The Huge building is the old train station that has had every window destroyed.  I don't know if they will ever restore it.  It must have been an exciting place.  It makes me think of all the things we have that are so useful and important to us.  How long will they be like that?

Isaac: "Mom, I think Kate needs her hair cut."

As far as he knows, it looks like his but is too long in the back, right?  Poor girl.  

Last night I was listening to some upbeat music and making dinner.  I come in the dining room and Kate has spilled granola all over the table and floor and had climbed into her high chair.  She has already learned to fend for herself...I won't say why...

Jonathan got an offer for the job he really wanted yesterday and STARTS tomorrow.  I think they were anxious to get him.

Already tempted with a job...I'm debating to call and cancel the interview but E won't do it for me.  Isaac is at the second screening for the preschool I want him to attend right now.  I really hope he doesn't have any accidents and shows off his above average communication skills...and not his mediocre transitioning skills so that he is accepted.  It's phenomenal and FREE!

I doubly forgot to wish R a Happy Birthday.  I'm so lame.  I think that is an indication that I am WAY too busy for my own good.  I need a personal assistant, cleaning lady, and possibly an evaluation for ADHD.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

10 Things I Love About Utah

This July will be the completion of my fourth year living in Utah. As I am sure many of you know, I would much rather live elsewhere.  I really miss home. But,  I am sure this wont be my last year in Utah. So to try and put a positive spin on things I am trying to think positively. I am not sure I can come up with ten... but its the thought that counts right??

1. My memories with Ryan here.

 2. I love having so much family close by!

3. Having P an hour away.

4. Late night games at Grandmas.

5. Having so many temples so close.

6. Star Gazing in Provo Canyon.

7. Macey's 50 cent ice cream cones.

8. Ice blocking.

So its only 8....what were some of your favorite things about Utah?
 Perhaps you can help me with the other 2?


Any cooking questions for next week?

Saturday, May 26, 2012

I was running...

...and thought I would bring you along.Most of you have not been to see me since moving to the District, and some of you have never come to visit, period. So I thought I would take you all on my run with me today, this a little loop I call my "Capitol Run." I would even include my most recent running mix, but I've been listening to The Beastie Boys a lot these days, so I probably shouldn't.

At the top of my steps.

       Heading south passing over H Street, the main street in my area, lots of restaurants, clubs, etc.
You can see my yoga studio above the nail salon.

 General Washington, showing me the way!

The Supreme Court
I cross the street and get ready for some stairs.

                                                                             Top of the stairs = back of the Capitol Building.

Come round the front of the Capitol to my left
                                           ...Washington Monument to my right.
It's hard to see, but this guy is holding an M-16. It makes me double-take  
 every time, even though he is always there.


More steps to get out of the Capitol Building complex, and then some nice down hill in the shade to get home.

Done and done!
It was a monumental run. (Sorry, had to do it.)

xoxo, -E

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Wonders of Coucous!


It looks something like this....

Unless it is of the Israeli Variety, which makes it look more like this...

No matter what variety you choose, it is DELICIOUS!!! 

Couscous is a staple food in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya. 
Although we should use it like one here too. It has been proven to be nutritionally better for you than Rice and Pasta!  

Listed below are the three varieties of couscous

Moroccan couscous: Tiny grains of semolina are about three times the size of a grain of cornmeal. This type cooks very quickly.

Israeli couscous: These semolina pellets are about the size of peppercorns and will take much longer to cook. This type is usually steamed in the traditional long-cooking method or stirred as one would rice in a risotto.

Lebanese couscous: Larger than Israeli couscous, the starchy pellets are about the size of small peas. Cook long and slowly or use as in risotto.

Now, As far as recipes go I have two that I really like.

1. Fresh Vegetable Couscous

  • 1 box of Israeli Couscous.
  • 1 small red onion, cut into a small dice.
  • 1 package of cherry tomatoes, halved.
  • 1 cucumber, cut into a small dice.
  • 1 1/2 cups of feta cheese, crumbled
  • Salt and Pepper to taste.

Cook couscous according to directions on the package. Spread out on a baking sheet and put in fridge to cool. After the couscous is cold add the vegetables and feta. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve chilled.  This is a really great light salad for a picnic, or to go with a nice piece of grilled chicken steak or hot dogs! The Israeli Couscous can be hard to find and is interchangeable with Moroccan.

I love it because it is really light, no mayonnaise or bottles of Italian dressing! Which is always good!

2. Roasted Couscous

  • 1 box of Moroccan Couscous
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced.
  • 3/4 cup of roasted tomatoes
  • 3/4 cup of roasted artichokes
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Cut artichokes and tomatoes into the size of quarters. Heat a sauté pan on medium with a little butter and add tomatoes and artichokes. Shortly after add minced garlic. Once the garlic is cooked and the tomatoes and artichokes are warmed. Add the couscous. Warm until desired temperature and salt and pepper to taste. Serve Warm. Serve with a nice herb roasted chicken!

You can find the roasted artichokes and tomatoes either bottled by the olives or in the deli section at an olive bar.

I hope you all enjoyed my post if you have questions please let me know!!!
Now on a more personal note, Ryan started his internship this week! I really have been spoiled to have him around all the time for the last few weeks. It is sad to see him leaving at 7am and returning home at 7pm just to go to bed at 10. I know its important though and most likely what the rest of life will be like. I am so proud of him! He is working hard!
As for me, the job search continues! I have been filling my days with searches, work, errands, and Greys Anatomy. Which is fun and all but it would be nice to take a break and Skype with some of you and your babies!

We miss you all terribly and can’t wait to see you in August!!!

Guessing Game

The family member/reader who guesses the most correctly will win a prize.

How do the following things relate to each other?




The Funnies: Only on the Day I have no camera . . .

. . . and the oldest phone still being produced. So this is a picture of Reese. This is a picture of her I took with my stupid phone because my camera is stuck in some post office in downtown ATL. This is a picture of Reese lying butt naked and passed out on a table cloth on the floor in the hallway of our house. 
This is a picture of what happens when Reese doesn't take a nap. This is a picture of what happens when I don't check on my 2 year old in her mini tub and i don't supply her with a towel. This is a picture of a 2 year old that got sunburned at the splash park today because maybe her mother didn't put sunscreen on her (not my proudest moment as a mother). This is the picture and not the video of Reese that I took with my phone that won't upload to my computer. This is a picture of Reese, but you wouldn't have been able to guess it was her or that any of that stuff occurred today because my phone SUCKS. 

I need an Iphone.

I keep telling people that but alas no one has supplied me with one (I'm counting myself in this).

Today was a rough day at the Dougherty house we were busy doing good deeds for others, which is always good right? Somehow today it left me drained and emotional by the end of the day and sad I couldn't do a few errands for myself (like pick up my camera from said ghetto downtown post office in the ATL). Anyway by the time Christopher got home I was DONE. I put Reese in the tub and sat on the couch to feed the babe. 10 minutes later we found this nude little bum in the hall. We didn't even hear her get out of the tub. She grabbed the closest thing she could find to a towel and apparently couldn't make it two more steps to the living room where we were sitting. 
I am so grateful for these humorous moments in my life, especially after a long exhausting day. I needed to be reminded that life is funny. And I probably would have laughed a lot more today if I wasn't so stressed about stupid stuff, and letting little things bug me. 
 I want to hear about all the funny and ironic things that happen to you guys. We don't always get to share these moments so I give you "The Funnies". It can be anything. Funny things your kids say, brainless things you say, and moments like these that are just too funny not to share. Phil and Rox please post these whenever something funny happens at your house it can be any day of the week. I know some crazy stuff goes down at your house.
Well hopefully I will get my camera tomorrow cause we are going on Vacation this weekend!!!! To Savannah, GA. I can't wait for the ocean and sand between my toes!! I am going to try to laugh and smile more then I stress. Wish me luck!


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cute Aprons Wanted

I just received this email from Aunt Alice...

"Hi girls,
Mom is still doing a great job in feeding herself as long as she doesn't try to think about it too much. She has a great appetite still which is important. She does have a hard time keeping the food on her fork at times and it ends up on her lap or down her front. On Sunday dad had got her dressed all pretty and she hadn't had breakfast so I went in search of something to keep her dress clean. There was one old apron  that needed repairing in the kitchen. I put it on her and she ate and kept her dress clean and of course looked darling in the process. (I'll send a pic in the next email.) anyways, I was thinking it would be fun to have her grand daughters each make or buy her a cute apron. Then she could wear one for every meal and Georgia could just wash them up and mom would have a kitchen Drawer full of cute aprons! It's not easy to get her dressed and this would help I think as well as make her feel pretty and loved when she eats. Anyways, etsy and anthropologie have cute ones if you don't sew or have the time. I'm going to turn this over to Christy to organize if you all want to send them together. Abby can you forward this to your sisters? I thought they might like to Join in. I don't have any of their emails. 

Love to you all.

Let's do it!!  Grandma's address is: 

213 3rd Avenue
Buhl  ID 83316

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Lake Michigan 2012

Ok folks! It's official! We are having our very  
It was touch and go there for a little while. Yours truly thought she had closed the deal months ago, only to find out three weeks ago that the rental company was breaking our contract! Quel nightmare! Apparently they are new management over there. The old management failed to mention to them before leaving that our beautiful house had been rented out a year ago for the week we had booked it.
I was broken hearted, and super, super angry. But I did manage to pull it together and handle the situation. In short, I told the management to fix it, immediately! They struggled with the immediate part, but finally got a house for us that I think will be lovely. 
As most of you know I have been obsessed with the idea of this reunion for some time now. In 2008 I had just finished grad school and was chillin with Pants and the rents for the summer. One day Pants and I converged on Dad with this great idea, and he was into it. So mom, dad, G&G Unisicker, Pants and I, decided last minute to rent a house on Lake Michigan over Labor Day. (A, Jonathan and two week overdue Isaac were there for a night too, she was big, poor thing.) Needless to say;
So magical that none of us wanted to leave! We didn't even leave the house while we were there. There was no need. We spent the weekend going to and from the beach to our back porch, which was steps away, eating yummy food, playing card games late into the night, going for night swims, and falling asleep to the sound of the waves lapping against the sand.  
We loved it. The only thing that would have made it better would have been having everyone there! And so, I've been determined to make it happen ever since. We did another partial family gathering for Labor Day the next year. And again it was great, but we missed having everyone.  
The next year everyone was busy, or broke, or both. And then in 2011 Miss M decided she just had to get married. So I decided that in 2012, come hell or high water, Lake Michigan was happening! I would drag everyone there if I had to. 

This is the house we have now! There is an awesome wrap around porch.
 It's got an amazing view, and a path straight out to the beach!
I will be sending out a menu calendar for people to sign up for meals soon. The place has a grill, sweet. I was thinking I'd find a nice blueberry farm close by and we could go pick berries early in the week, and chow down on them all week, or mom and I could stop and pick a bunch on the way up. But I think the kids would really like it. I will be sending out more ideas in the next month, and would love to hear some of yours. Basically we are just going to chill hard, with all of our favorite people.


xoxo, E

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

my life.

Is not that cool.
In case you were not already aware.
You guys have cooler lives than me.

Today: I got attacked by an army of biting ants. it was awesome. That's just the downfall of my day.

Highlight of today: I played tennis with Alyssa, and killed it. I'm really starting to love the sport it is a whole bunch of fun, and it's really funny building a better relationship with her through it. I have absolutely loved living with Brad and down the street from Greg. I have learned so much about Brad, Sundee, Greg and Lynda individually. They're really cool people to just hangout with.  We have an awesome family, and i'm glad I get to build stronger relationships with them this summer.

Highlight #2: I made stacked enchiladas for everyone! Better yet....they loved them. SCORE. I have never even watched mom make them before, but its obviously a pretty straight forward process. I even fried tortillas for the first time ever. Cooking is so fun when you're just starting to figure it out. You gals know diss.

HIGHLIGHT OF MY LIFE: I have spent the past week gardening for Bradley and it has been so much fun. I was out pulling weeds for Sundee one day and I just got this vision in my mind of lots of colorful fun flowers, so she said go for it! I love it so much, all of those years slaving away in moms garden really paid off. I feel like I am such a natural at it. I just want to plant everyones gardens now. It has even inspired me to take a botany class when I find time. Its just so cool, I don't know how I didn't realize my love for it before. You guys should go garden! It is so peaceful and a way to be creative with the world that was given to us.

Highlight of my week: I GOT TO TALK TO HAYDEN!! And boy does that kid sound amazing. He is just soaking up Korea and making so much progress! I hope you guys have been reading some of his letters. They are so entertaining.

It has been such a nice relaxing summer, I am excited to go home tomorrow and see the chunky monster. I keep hearing him on the phone and get more and more excited. Also, Abby is picking me up from the airport with the babes! Im just going to be around so much family this week and I can't wait. Our family is so awesome I am so glad we are all close, especially with our extended family.


I feel like I am finally starting to figure myself out, I have definitely learned my strengths and my weaknesses this year. I think I am finally learning how to control my "free spirit." I have been doing things for me and not so much for others lately and it has felt awesome. Just going with the flow. I like just thinking about stuff alone and all of my views and opinions on things. Most of my life I would freak out if I wasn't talking to a friend or with one. That was kind of a random reflection, but I thought I would share.

HIGHLIGHT OF MY MONTH: In 8 days I get to spend my weekend in a cabin at Interlochen with all of my best friends to celebrate the 50th anniversary. I think it is so awesome how much these people are still in my life. They will forever inspire me in my life and in my art. THey are still a support no matter where they are in the world, and I don't doubt that they always will be. My year with them was the best year of my life, and it always will be. They are my other family. (you guys are obviously the cooler family) I am just so excited to see all of them and pick up where we left off.

Highlight of that weekend: I get to sing in the academy choir one last time! All of the alumni that want to can join, and I am just so excited to be part of it again. Its going to be an amazing experience performing at the place where I just let myself explore and get comfortable with my talent, with the teachers and people that made me so strong.


Anyways, I have to go get packing so I can return to my momma in a fashionable state. She likes me looking nice. I don't blame her.

I love you all. Hope this entry is sufficient for your blogging needs.

Until wednesday,


Tuesday, May 15, 2012



I am fortunate enough to be spending my evening with Jessica Grace Eraso, along with chocolate mousse double chocolate chip brownies and playing with an extremely chunky little girl. 

We are working on a NEW layout! YAY

So cut me some slack...ok?? 

I love you all and hope you enjoy our creation! 

Should you feel the need to have your own customized blog layout see her at the morning letters she is amazing!!!

 Introducing Sydney Grace Eraso. 

Ciao, Famiglia!

This is your long lost sister, P, dropping by to say...I AM STILL ALIVE. Sorry for the disappearing act I pulled a couple weeks ago. I hope you can forgive me from the bottom of your hearts.

I am planning a sweet post for tomorrow. So if I promise you're getting one.


P.S. Why isn't P2, H? shabam. all your problems solved.

Monday, May 14, 2012

"Prepare to Fast Forward"

This scene from Spaceballs has been on my mind this week.  The timing of Jonathan's job situation/selection has become quite stressful. There is one good job 35 miles away with The Clinic that wanted him to give a decision today (he got it extended.)  While tomorrow is his third interview for another job he is also very interested in.  We also only have a  month and a half left on our lease and our landlord's showed the house on Saturday.  So now, in addition to job decisions, we have to decide on what to do about our living situation.  All of which depends on one another and it all has to happen by Wednesday.

Do any of you have times in your life when you have to consciously think.  "By this time next week I will have answers" but it is still really hard to face each day...I wish it could be as easy as 'preparing to fast forward.'

Pray for us,

Guest Post: The SIL

First of all, for your viewing pleasure
Maggie blowing Raspberries at  You!
My sweetheart!
Very Cool Jackson
 On Turning 30!

My big birthday is in two weeks.  Both my best friends have already had their birthday and I have celebrated with them.  It's just a number but it does sort of make me feel old.  Last month I was at a YW activitity they played a game where you pick a gumball from a gumball machine and you have to answer a question that coordinates with that color.  One of the questions was what is the perfect age.  A lot of girls said five because they got to stay home and finger paint etc. but one girl said 30 because she would have a husband and kids and her life all planned out by then.  I just about died.  I do have the dashing husband and three of the sweetest cutest kids I could ask for but by no mean is my life "All planned out."

I got to celebrate being 30 with my two best friends for their birthdays.  It was amazing.  We don't see each other all that often but when we do it is so natural and easy because we grew up together.  My friend Sheri was in Kansas City,  which is so close to Liberty and Independence.  When we were youth we went on a church history tour which was one of the most wonderful memories of our youth. So Sheri and I decided to relive it.  It was so fun and amazing to go back to those places.  We also went to see the Kansas city temple that is opening soon.  It was gorgeous!  Also as a teenager we went to the Mall Of America A LOT to just hang out.  So Amy and I went there it was so fun to go there and feel so carefree.  We went on a roller coaster.  Man that was fun.  I think it has been since we went with the Joneses to Cedar Point since I did a roller coaster.  This is a lot smaller but still.  It was the thrill of us 30 year olds going on a roller coaster, putting our hands up and screaming along the 14 year olds near us. We also got to go to our favorite vintage store.

I am so grateful that I am still in touch with these two.  We can be in totally different places in our lives but still come together and it's easy.  I love that.  These girls the week after I moved to Savage Mn took me on a Picnic and are still my friends now. This is also all of our 10 year wedding anniversaries.  So bring on 30!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

I could not think of a better way to spend this weekend than in celebration of our mother and my sisters who are all wonderful examples of how to be a great friend and mom! I love you all so much and am so lucky to have you in my life!! Today I am mostly grateful for our beautiful mother! She is amazing and I hope she knows how special she is to each and every one of us! I could not have asked for anyone better to teach me the ways of the world, how to be a woman, and to help mold me into the person I am today! 

The Jones Family


L with her beautiful little girl Reese

A with her family!!

Roxann with her beautiful Family

My best friends. 

I love you all so much! Happy Mothers Day to all of you, especially to you mom! 


Friday, May 11, 2012

Update on the Burrs

Hello Family!

I apologize for my late post but Tuesday was kind of a hard day for me. I have spent the past month interviewing and emailing and networking about a really good job at BYU and unfortunately that was the day I found out I would not be fulfilling the position. I was really hoping for the job, but that's ok!!

We do have some extremely good news though!! After about a year and hundreds of internships that R applied for, he was finally offered one! YAY!!! He will be interning for General Electric in the Healthcare divisions working on product development. He is really excited about the job! Although the hour commute each day, I am sure he is dreading. : (  I am so extremely proud of all the hard work he put in for the past year with all of the different companies! It was hard for him to keep pushing through all the denials but it definitely paid off for him! YAY FOR R!!!

Now, this week I was going to do another big post on an ingredient that a lot of people don't use in the kitchen and should. I was about to....but then I began wondering if any of you had used any of the recipes, or if that was even something that you would like to continue hearing about?? Let me know...

Anyways things are great here! We are both happy and loving life. We planted a small garden of pots this past week and it will be fun to see it grow! We sure love all of you and hope that you aren't to upset about my lack of postage.

Have a great weekend!

Love M & R

Quick Questions

Mmm-k so i have a question, a few questions actually, to be answered by AMPL, and P2, and anyone else who would like to, please do. I'll answer them also, don't be alarmed.

1.   When you aren't thinking about anything else, what are the top three things, ideas, topics etc. that invade your thoughts, and how does each one make you feel?

2.   When is the last time you felt really proud of yourself, and why?

3.   What are your top two worries of the moment?

4.   What is the next big thing/things you are looking forward to?

Ok - here goes

1. -  a#1 - men, past, present, future, yes it's true, shocker. mostly the past and future ones. recently it has been more of a "where are they?" type thought, and a "what do i really want/need, anyway?" as opposed to thinking about any one or multiple guys that do not exist at the moment. this makes me feel curious, and sometimes sad, but not as much as maybe it wold have in the past, at this point it makes me feel more annoyed than anything, because i'm not dating much, so why think about it, i've got so much other stuff going on. it's a brain sucker thought topic and i don't like it all that much. a#2 - money, this makes me feel stressed. a#3 - you guys, and phil, and your kids, and mom and dad. i'll just replay favorite moments i've had with your munchkies, or wonder how you're doing, or day dream about the fam reunion coming up. this makes me feel happy.

2. - there was a conflict at work the other day, one of the staff and i clashed a bit in dealing with a student. i've been trying to be better at dealing with conflict, i've been reading some about it, and one of the things i've been learning is that most people assume that the best way to deal with conflict is to walk away from it. let it go, don't deal with it. come to find out it is actually the exact opposite. you have to walk toward the conflict if you ever want it to go away, and in fact the more quickly you walk toward it and deal with it, the less impact it will have, and the sooner you can move forward and feel good. so i called him and asked him to come talk to me. i was super nervousi tried to listen and find out what was going on with him, and then i tried to let him know what i needed. it heightened a bit and i could tell he was getting more upset, and he was getting ready to end the conversation. usually i think i would have let it end, because it was uncomfortable and not going the way i had hoped. instead i said that i wanted to be able to really understand, and asked more questions, and risked him getting more angry. it was touch and go for a bit, but we got to the heart of it, and were able to leave in a good place. i know that doesn't seem like a big deal, but i was pretty proud of myself for sticking it out. it paid off.

3. - money, clinical exam in June, the looming summer months ahead and the fact that my waist line isn't cooperating, grrrr.

4. - august 4th - 11th!!!

now - i want some answers!


Thursday, May 10, 2012


Reese is all about compromised positions lately. I just went to check on her and found her dead asleep. The other night she decided she wanted to eat dinner with her legs spread out to either side of her tray. She is a crazy chic.   
Funny story: Tonight while Reese and I bathed. She in her tiny blue ikea tub, that she does not fit in at all but still loves it, and me in the shower. She took one of her little cups she has and filled it with water, stood up and put it underneath her lady parts and said "Hey look mom I'm peeing in my cup". This took me back for a moment because really, who pees in cups? Then I realized she had been to every prenatal visit with me and just 2 days ago my 6 week post baby check-up. She watched me pee in a cup every single one of those appointments. She got to the point where she would run in the bathroom, hand me the cup and when I was done she would give me the marker and say "write your name mom". I didn't think once to maybe not expose her to that because, well, she is 2. She won't remember any of this and it does make for some funny stories. 

I was thinking about compromising positions today as I watched our President of the United States announce his position on same sex marriage. Then again as I watched Mitt Romney also announce his which was the opposite. Then I watched the news peeps tear them both apart and talk about how each statement will effect them and blah blah blah. It got me thinking . . .

Tonight when I opened up my web browser just to blog a little goodnight picture and story from Reese I saw this picture . . .

Talk about compromising positions. As I read the article I just kept saying "Ugh, I don't care what this mom does or how long she chooses to breastfeed her child". I don't support her nor chastise her or any other mother. The truth is we live in a free country and we have free agency to make our own decisions. Sadly, sometimes people make very horrible, weird, creepy or dangerous decisions that leave other people compromised. But that is when accountability comes into play, right? 

Back to our future leader's response and view to SS marriage. I don't care what either of their stances are. There I said it. Is that bad? Is it wrong to be tolerant or neutral about so many things that others find to be such a big deal. When is it not ok to be neutral? 

This post kind of got serious fast and I don't even think I got my thoughts into the right words to really get across what I am trying to say. And I know there are so many counter responses to my last question. I am thinking of a million right now. I guess I just want to share some thoughts. Someone validate me, ok?!? And just go back to thinking about how funny that story is about Reese!

Alright, goodnight, L