
Friday, May 11, 2012

Quick Questions

Mmm-k so i have a question, a few questions actually, to be answered by AMPL, and P2, and anyone else who would like to, please do. I'll answer them also, don't be alarmed.

1.   When you aren't thinking about anything else, what are the top three things, ideas, topics etc. that invade your thoughts, and how does each one make you feel?

2.   When is the last time you felt really proud of yourself, and why?

3.   What are your top two worries of the moment?

4.   What is the next big thing/things you are looking forward to?

Ok - here goes

1. -  a#1 - men, past, present, future, yes it's true, shocker. mostly the past and future ones. recently it has been more of a "where are they?" type thought, and a "what do i really want/need, anyway?" as opposed to thinking about any one or multiple guys that do not exist at the moment. this makes me feel curious, and sometimes sad, but not as much as maybe it wold have in the past, at this point it makes me feel more annoyed than anything, because i'm not dating much, so why think about it, i've got so much other stuff going on. it's a brain sucker thought topic and i don't like it all that much. a#2 - money, this makes me feel stressed. a#3 - you guys, and phil, and your kids, and mom and dad. i'll just replay favorite moments i've had with your munchkies, or wonder how you're doing, or day dream about the fam reunion coming up. this makes me feel happy.

2. - there was a conflict at work the other day, one of the staff and i clashed a bit in dealing with a student. i've been trying to be better at dealing with conflict, i've been reading some about it, and one of the things i've been learning is that most people assume that the best way to deal with conflict is to walk away from it. let it go, don't deal with it. come to find out it is actually the exact opposite. you have to walk toward the conflict if you ever want it to go away, and in fact the more quickly you walk toward it and deal with it, the less impact it will have, and the sooner you can move forward and feel good. so i called him and asked him to come talk to me. i was super nervousi tried to listen and find out what was going on with him, and then i tried to let him know what i needed. it heightened a bit and i could tell he was getting more upset, and he was getting ready to end the conversation. usually i think i would have let it end, because it was uncomfortable and not going the way i had hoped. instead i said that i wanted to be able to really understand, and asked more questions, and risked him getting more angry. it was touch and go for a bit, but we got to the heart of it, and were able to leave in a good place. i know that doesn't seem like a big deal, but i was pretty proud of myself for sticking it out. it paid off.

3. - money, clinical exam in June, the looming summer months ahead and the fact that my waist line isn't cooperating, grrrr.

4. - august 4th - 11th!!!

now - i want some answers!



  1. number 1: the correct answer would be the gospel my wife and the kids. the actual response is probably my Wife, killing internet dragons and then who won the game.

    Number 2:This morning on the trampoline with jacskon laughing and playing. he landed on top of me and said "your my best dad. I love you." thats pretty self affirming.

    Number 3:Money, Money, Money. and if my hair looks good. and if i locked the doors before i got in bed.

    Number 4:THE BEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. 1. I am always thinking about things i need to do next. Sometimes this makes me feel organized and sometimes it makes me feel stresses. B) I also like to think about what i am going to do after the kids go to bed for those glorious 3 hours of me or we time. Which makes me happy. c) I think about the future a lot. I think about if we ever have money enough to not stress out. Where we will be. Those kind of things. This is a good thing and a bad thing.
    2. The last time i felt proud of myself was when i made easter dresses for the girls and they turned out fairly well. Charlotte's I like the best. She even likes to wear it.
    3. My two worries are Money and Money. Enough said.
    4. I have a lot of things i am looking forward to this summer. I am looking forward to celebrating my 30th birthday with my family at the twins game. I am looking forward to celebrating phil and my 10 yr anniversary with a weekend away in the twin cities. I am very much looking forward to seeing the joneses on a Beach.

  3. First of all, these aren't quick questions. I read them, contemplated, and walked away...3 times. It may be because all of my thoughts are consumed on one thing lately.

    1. My status with the Savior, my relationships with family, my husband's job search.

    2. This week, I've been working really hard on not raising my voice to the kids. It may be the added stresses of life right now, but I realized last week at Mom's that I was yelling a little to frequently at them. I didn't like it. I've been praying and constantly checking myself. I feel like it has come a lot easier and I feel better about it. I don't want to be a screamer. I've been proud of the fact that I was able to change something and do it consistently for a couple of days. I'm sure the kids are proud of me as well and would express it if they could.

    3. Jonathan's job decision. He was told on Friday that he needed to give an answer by Monday...not good. (Money is also a worry with this) I really don't seem to have a second worry in comparison to this life sucking, anxiety causing era...although, a vain one would be whether or not I selected the right cleanser/shampoo and conditioner combination to create the best curl possible...I know vain...I have been using this as my scapegoat I think. I've researched all about it...:o)

    4. My trip to Michigan next week. Our great friends who we hung out with all the time in Detroit are coming up for a trip and Jonathan took, ahem, 3 DAYS off of work. They are staying at our place, then we are spending the day at CEDAR POINT, then going up to Michigan to see all our old friends. We will be going up to squeeze baby Henry and GiGi as well. I am super excited. I am also counting down the days until the end of the school year.

    Love you E! I've been applying the Listening mantra and it helps. I'm proud of your proud moment.

    P2, I worry about the doors as well...I wonder where we got that from.

    R, "Glorious 3 hours of me/we time" I am usually so worn out that I lay down and waste it...despite all of my wonderful plans for it throughout the day...Are there pictures of your dresses on you blog? I think there are...

    I think almost everyone I know worries about money. I don't think anyone can get away from it.

  4. the source of the door locking anxiety is dad Abby. I don't know if mom has ever locked anything in her life except the keys in the car. Hey you got that trait to. How fun.

  5. HIlarious seems as though I have both qualities...I went to the grocery store a year ago and called AAA because i thought I locked the keys in the car. The man opened to door and I couldn't find them anywhere. I double checked my vest pocket and well, there they were. So I slipped them onto the floor and said, "Yep here they are, right here on the floor..." Haha they were in my pocket the entire time...I had deep pockets...

    Selecting the right job, turning a job down in hopes of getting another job, whether or not to renew our apartment lease. Don't sound like worries? They we have to make every decision by well...tomorrow...

  6. I think M, L, & P still need to answer these...and our many readers...
