
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Recent Happenings, Thoughts, and Funnies

 Can you be destructive and creative at the same time?
 First Father Sons camp out.  Anytime I spoke with him on the phone he was full to the brim with excitement.
Isaac loved meeting baby Henry!

 A, P, & L
 4 Generations...
 Playing in the fountains on the Detroit River Walk.  Yes, they are fully clothed.
 She is a water baby.  We went to the pool yesterday and she had a blast.  I have a season pass...It is going to be an awesome summer!

During our trip to Detroit I took a picture of the new chapel with the old condemned bank building we use to meet in in the background.(It's in the middle) We met on the Fifth and Third floors.  The Huge building is the old train station that has had every window destroyed.  I don't know if they will ever restore it.  It must have been an exciting place.  It makes me think of all the things we have that are so useful and important to us.  How long will they be like that?

Isaac: "Mom, I think Kate needs her hair cut."

As far as he knows, it looks like his but is too long in the back, right?  Poor girl.  

Last night I was listening to some upbeat music and making dinner.  I come in the dining room and Kate has spilled granola all over the table and floor and had climbed into her high chair.  She has already learned to fend for herself...I won't say why...

Jonathan got an offer for the job he really wanted yesterday and STARTS tomorrow.  I think they were anxious to get him.

Already tempted with a job...I'm debating to call and cancel the interview but E won't do it for me.  Isaac is at the second screening for the preschool I want him to attend right now.  I really hope he doesn't have any accidents and shows off his above average communication skills...and not his mediocre transitioning skills so that he is accepted.  It's phenomenal and FREE!

I doubly forgot to wish R a Happy Birthday.  I'm so lame.  I think that is an indication that I am WAY too busy for my own good.  I need a personal assistant, cleaning lady, and possibly an evaluation for ADHD.


  1. Remember when you used to make me call to order college...cancel the interview dude.

  2. Yes. I think a certain amount of destruction is inherent in constructive creativity. ;)
    Is this new job in cleveland??
    I know my dad (specifically) is chompin' at the bit to take y'all to Presque Isle in Erie. :)
    Sure it must be a relief to have the decision made. Any word on your foray into private practice??

    1. Okay, let's do it! The only commitment I have this summer is the first two weekend and week of August. Are you in town now? I am dying to see you and your little miss.

      I'm writing a business plan as we speak and I am freaking out...

      The new job is in Cleveland with the surgical operations department. We will be staying where we are for the time being.

    2. We're tentatively planning/hoping on being around the week of the 20th (of August). Maybe even fly into Cleveland?? I know not. School'll be out so the fam will be free(er) to spend time in Erie. I believe that it's around an hour and a half from Cleveland, but don't quote me.
      It sounds like you're thinking of doing a private practice/"regular" job hybrid for now? That sounds like a great way to alleviate, or at least mitigate, anxieties as far as transitioning? Provides a bit of a safety net through familiarity and structure. Seems like a good plan to me.
      Congratulations to y'all on the new surgical operations job!

  3. I agree with Em. Cancel the interview and then I have the same question as scm. What about your private practice? I know things are stressful but jobs you don't really love always just add to that don't they? Take some time off and spend it building something you'll love and spending it with the babes! I liked your insight about how long things that are important to us now will remain that way. There are so many huge empty condemned buildings around Atlanta. I always think about what must have gone on there when it was thriving. Love you! So happy about Jonathan's job.

  4. Well, since no one called and cancelled it for me, I went. I have been kicking myself because I think I kind of bombed it and it sounds great. Sounds like an awesomely stressful job. In a district with awesome special ed services and really involved parents... AND it wouldn't be with the littles. 3-5th graders...I really love littles...

  5. Abs, now all you have to do is say no...again. Even though technically you didn't say it the first time, hence the reason you get to say it again. In case you're wondering it goes something like this, "No" or how about "No thank you" even better, "No thank you, this job would not be a good fit for me at this time."
