
Sunday, July 8, 2012

I'm Hungry!

My awesome stir fry with lots of veggies from my fridge, chicken, and rice didn't cut it tonight. I don't remember the last time I was this hungry. I also passed on mini chocolate chips in my pancakes. I thought blueberries would be a healthier choice. I will get my stars today. Does a chocolate flavored protein shake count as a dessert? The consensus of my food diary is that I'm a carboholic... What did everyone else's show? A


  1. Mine showed I ate way to much cereal. A chocolate protein shake is def. not a dessert. I like to put bananas in mine which will come in handy this week when I am trying to get my servings in. I peel the banana and have been freezing them so my shake is cold and nice. If you are hungry after 8 then you shouldn't be starving yourself. Just eat protein or vegetables.

  2. Awesome! I will drink them then. I forgot about the proteins and veggies...oh well.

    Hey would you mind posting the cleansing diet again...I was trying to find the email last night, but I couldn't find it.

    This morning I made Maple Syrup with Splenda to put in my oatmeal. It was awful by itself, but added flavor to my oatmeal. I have a batch in my fridge as a go to.

  3. I know that when I'm beginning some kind of potential weight loss thing or exercise thing or eating healthier/being healthier thing (mind you none of this has happened for, oh, roundabouts seven years or so now..), I always feel like I'm starving for a bit. Even though I know that I'm not. It's just that transitional adjustment period.. portion sizes are really "supposed" to be surprisingly small, or so they say. But that's not how Americans eat. I'll bet you, if you keep at it, you'll find that eventually you'll feel full! Good job! Sounds like you're all trying very hard!!

  4. mmmm... well we kep plugging away and I think we are doing well. The execise picked up for me today!!! No more crutches. Still the boot for two more weeks. I can walk in the pool though. It is hard to drink that much water, but trying.

  5. I had mexican food tonight. It was really good. I had chicken. I had mushrooms, too. Does that count as a vegetable? Then we worked out with mom's snake thing. I feel really pumped up. So far today I had a veggie burger, tapioca pudding, milk, 2 servings of fruit, and a bologna sandwich ( plus the small helping of mexican food). I slept for 8 hours last night. We saw lots of spartans at the grocery store but no teepees.

  6. I eat too much cereal too! otherwise, I do alright according to the food journal. WHo knew drinking water was so hard, sheesh.
