
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Postage for Pants

Hi everyone, E here:

Dear little Laura is in the throes of final exams this week. So being the nicest sister ever, I told her I would post for her.  In reality I don't have to do too much work to convey to you the week that Laura has had. First of all, I remember finals, they generally made me feel like I wanted to punch someone in the face multiple times a day. Luckily I usually only took it out on my computer, throwing strings of explicatives at it when it would freeze on me, erase entire papers, and do anything in a slower than acceptable manner. Secondly, Laura has expressed her experience quite accurately with faces from the past. All I have to do is show you. (And never mind the other girl in the photos, she is just the back drop for all the good drama going on up front, even better, she is the universe laughing at you when you have know idea whats about to hit you, and then, out of no where, life really does suck that bad, and you know it's your own fault for procrastinating. In fact it was her face, the Universe's face, that I would shake my fist at and yell, "Curses!!!!!!!!.") But I digress. I give you...

Laura's Week In Faces!

Finals? Whatevs, I gots this, yo.
Uh...what? We never covered this in class! I don't remember saying I would re-write that paper! I have to get a what on my final to pass your class?!! Flllbbbbttt!

I don't gots this , yo.

Now Pants, don't worry, all will be well, and you will end up having time to do everything you need to get done, even though it doesn't feel like it. (Same goes to you, M.) But while you're in it, study hard, take breaks to do head stands and other crazy things, and then study hard some more. You can do it!!!!

Before you know it, they will be over. It will be SUMMER time! And your face will once again do this:

Awwwww yeah!!!!!!!!!
(That smile back there is now the "Universe" saying "See, I'm not that bad, you survived didn't you?" Smack her.)


  1. ive decided that were the perfect couple...thats why were the way we are curently..yes i dare not say the word.

  2. When were these pictures taken? My favorite is the caption, "I don't got this yo." I love thinking of the word 'yo'' as less punkish and more Grandma Jonesish. "Yo, Jim!" I miss her...

    Good luck on finals M and P, I'm so glad it's not me.

    "Stop that rhyming I mean it..."
