
Saturday, May 26, 2012

I was running...

...and thought I would bring you along.Most of you have not been to see me since moving to the District, and some of you have never come to visit, period. So I thought I would take you all on my run with me today, this a little loop I call my "Capitol Run." I would even include my most recent running mix, but I've been listening to The Beastie Boys a lot these days, so I probably shouldn't.

At the top of my steps.

       Heading south passing over H Street, the main street in my area, lots of restaurants, clubs, etc.
You can see my yoga studio above the nail salon.

 General Washington, showing me the way!

The Supreme Court
I cross the street and get ready for some stairs.

                                                                             Top of the stairs = back of the Capitol Building.

Come round the front of the Capitol to my left
                                           ...Washington Monument to my right.
It's hard to see, but this guy is holding an M-16. It makes me double-take  
 every time, even though he is always there.


More steps to get out of the Capitol Building complex, and then some nice down hill in the shade to get home.

Done and done!
It was a monumental run. (Sorry, had to do it.)

xoxo, -E


  1. Ok you guys, this post made me want to bust my head against a wall. I actually did take these pics and create the post on Friday, but it took me three days to get the format to work. I had to stop a few times cause I wanted to hurt someone from frustration and a figured that wasn't good for my blood pressure. Anyway, hope you like it. PS not everyone ever answered my questions from a few posts ago. boo.

  2. I want to go on that run with you! Sorry I didn't answer your questions from a few posts ago. I will do it. Now.

  3. I love the row houses. I can't believe you run up those stairs. The monuments are very inspiring. Did they finish the reflection pool yet? Last year there were a lot of logs poking out of the ground...
